Pastor: Rev. Pedro Bautista Peraza | St Gen 509-997-4201 | Sacred Heart Brewster 509-689-2931 |
Deacon: Rev. Bill Wehmeyer | St Gen 509-997-4201 | 425-941-9171 |
Bookkeeper: Nancy Kirner 509-997-4201
Ministries Coordinator: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Jim Brousseau 509-996-2683 (H) | 253-263-5562 (C)
Religious Education:
Program Coordinator: Sarah Salmon 509-996-9892
Children: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Adult: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Cleaning Coordinator: Julie Wehmeyer 425-830-0904
Prayer Chain: Sarah Salmon 509-996-9892
Baptismal Preparation: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Communion to the Sick: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Sacramental Prep for Adults: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Youth Group: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Sacramental Preparation for Youth: Deacon Bill Wehmeyer
Holy Sacrament Adoration: Leah Kominak 509-997-3268